“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”
Pablo Picasso
Question: What is a flow state?
Answer: A flow state is the optimal state of a human, in which he or she is capable of solving the set of tasks at hand or capable of creative activity. Flow states also occur while working in nature. For example, doing garden work or mild physical exercises can helpy people get into the flow state. Being in a flow state bring happiness, revelation, and promotes deep satisfaction in life.
Question: Do you need a special gift to be in a flow state?
Answer: Flow states are a necessity for every human. Being gifted is not a part of their requirement. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the discoverer of human flow states, called them the state of optimal experience. He found that people experience them when the difficulty of the solved tasks is adequate to the level of specific abilities of the man in question. Thanks to this, any man is capable of doing something special or extraordinary.
Question: What do you need a flow state for?
Answer: Flow states synchronize the logic, intuition and feelings of a person. In this moment, the man does the best he’s capable of. That’s why they’re often called inspiration or revelation. You can say that actions in flow states are actions in the state of success. And we’re talking about any field of human activity: business, science, education, culinary, sport, art, etc.
Question: Why do you emphasize success so much?
Answer: Success, aside from external signs such as recognition and reward, has internal value as well – satisfaction and happiness. It’s important for people to feel their life has been fruitful. This is only possible when a human follows their life's purpose. Flow states are our direct link to it. Therefore, helping a human to reach success is to help him to realize his life's purpose.
Question: Is there any connection between the flow states and a zone of human potential (the P-Zone)?
Answer: The P-Zone forms a field of human knowledge; this knowledge underlies creative, scientific, and other achievements of a person throughout life. The type of personality, talents, aptitudes, abilities, genetics, memetics , and the way of thinking – all are included in the area of human potential, or P-Zone. The flow states deliver the stream of knowledge from the the P-Zone to man.
Note that human self-actualization is a consequence of development of the potential from the P-Zone. The predestination of the human is an actualization of his or her birth purpose. This is a result of relationships between a person and other people.
Question: How is the knowledge about the P-Zone reflected in the training?
Answer: Being in the flow and going with the flow are two opposites. The P-Zone directs a person’s actions, makes him or her stable. The Flow creates this stability by bringing all the necessary information, knowledge, and skills to react properly to circumstances.
The opposite of this strength is “going with the flow”. Here, we mean the flow that is external to a person, the flow of events or circumstances that have been created by others. When the “internal” flow stops, and in our turbulent world it happens pretty often, people, who are unable to hold on to their goals or their purpose in life, can be dragged into a whirlpool of events that are out of their control.
Question: How do I learn to enter the flow state?
Answer: Although flow states are natural for humans, entering them takes some skill. For example, Buddhist monks practice entering nirvana for decades, which is also an example of a flow state. In the training, we use a powerful combination of the oldest methods and modern science to teach all participants to enter the flow state. Such a “switch” will help people to quickly remember this state and later they can attune to it on their own in any situation.
Question: If flow states are a natural state, why do I need to learn to work with them?
Answer: Flow states are natural, but not the automatic state of a human. Although “flow algorithm” is universal, everyone has their own “point of entry” into it. It is also important that it’s not enough to simply feel the flow. You need to know how correctly decipher the information of the flow, without distorting it with your misconceptions. This skill needs development. That’s why our voyage has a clear business objective: learning to apply the information found in the personal “field of access”. Up to 80% of the information received by a human is unconscious. Utilizing the flow states is very important, since it has a big influence on people's lives.
Question: What is the connection between flow states and financial well-being?
Answer: Without a doubt, financial security is very important for people. It gives freedom and sense of recognition. Flow states help develop our business abilities: being in the right place at the right time, building your own marketing niches, correctly choosing staff, and so on. Flow states connect us with our life's purpose and allow us to do something special, something only we can do. They also assist us in finding the right partners and feel where we are in demand. They free us from a fear of competition, make us stable, and help to choose what's best for us.
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