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Man’s life purpose

Life purpose always interested man, that’s where his thirst for knowing himself and his future comes from. Thanks to the development of psychology, quantum physics and neuroscience, many things related to life goal become quite explainable…

“Event is a four-dimensional continuum” – said A. Einstein. The same can be said about man. Or rather, it’s a multi-layer continuum, because our actions first happen in the world of thought, and then become a physical action. That way, they first develop in immaterial, and then in material space-time continuums.

Want to see? Conduct a simple experiment. Close your eyes and imagine a ball spearing in your hand. If you watch this on a thermal visor, you can see how the color gamma (heat signature) changes around the head, eyes and hand.

You didn’t hold a ball, didn’t do physical work. You worked in the space of information with your thoughts and this caused change of temperature in your body. Transferring from one continuum to another information became energy (processes in our body are either consumption or radiation of energy).

As you see, we think in one place and do in another. Meaning, we can’t synchronize ourselves through space. Only through time. That’s why time is so important.

Time is not just minutes running on our clocks. It’s channels upon which our life flows, readjusts and develops. Time creates connection, through which information coming from the life goal transforms into the energy of a physical action. That’s how we get one result or another. Why one or another, and not the one?

Because a disagreement of continuums occurs. Information is affected by our connections with other people and the informational space in which we prefer to reside. Transformation of energy is affected by body deformations fixated in the form of fears and beliefs.

And what affects life purpose and how do we store information about it?

Life purpose is the core of birth of man. The first choice a man makes. The phrase “knew you before birth” which we not once see in the Bible suggests that.

Life purpose is a “strategic object” for every man: here is knowledge for what we were born, what resource we have, what’s unique about us and even key events of our lives. In this sense fate exists. However everything is known, but the permission is given…

The channels we have to study the life purpose are: body, skills, circumstances and achievements of man. And the subconscious is a big book in which with the help of symbols describe all his life. So the assumption about a “Book of Life” looks quite based.

When a man activates a certain element of his life purpose, automatically appropriate symbols activate. Then intuition brings the completing symbolic puzzles and thanks to memory and logic the man begins to understand what needs to be done. That’s how our “accidents” happen, that’s how information is transferred from one continuum to another.

These states of “information overflow” are known from psychology as states of optimal experience, or flow state. That’s why flow states are key to solving our life tasks.

Manifestations of life purpose in our lives is the core of the information presented on the site. You can try our practical and interesting recommendations to see how your life purpose shows in your life.

© Naomi Lyubomiv

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