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Abilities to succed are present in everyone, whereas business abilities are similar to a talent such as playing a violin, aptitude for sciences or being a gifted chef. Not everyone can become a great businessmen, but everybody may advance their abilities to succed.

Flow states are optimal conditions, in which a person can solve any given problems or carry out creative processes. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who discovered the flow states, have found that they occur when the complexity of the task at hand is equivalent to person’s capabilities.

During the flow states, the logic, intuition, and feelings are synchronized within a person. These states are frequently called inspirations or insights. Any action in the flow leads to succes. This could be the success in any field of human activity, business or science, education or culinary art, sport or fine arts.

The success brings a person recognition and reward, satisfaction and joy. It is also important that a person feels that his or her life is successful. This is only possible when a person follows his or her life's purpose. This purpose is a primary reason for person's birth. The flow states connect us to that purpose. Furthemore, the abilities to succed become uncovered proportionally person's understanding of himself. These abilities are tools for self-realization and unity with other people.

The life's purpose makes a person grounded and stable. The flow states create this stability by brining all the neccessary information, knowledge, and abilities to react to circumstances. The flow states allow people to recognize and understand themselves.

In this course, we present a method of advancing personal abilities to succed by using flow states. The program consist of four key elements.

  • The symbolic design

  • Preparation of the body: medical yoga and meditations

  • Work with crystals to synchronize the internal time

  • The last step: identification of personal skills


Anastasia Kariagina: Doctor of Phylosophy from the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia. Assistant Professor of the Michigan State University (MSU). A coach/ trainer at Orionsol Training.

Naomi (Polina) Lubimova: Research scientist, educational psychologist, engineer, political technologist, consultant in areas of human communication, information and reputation management. Author of the model of defining man’s life purpose parameters. Synesthetic.

Sergei Babaian: A coach/trainer at Orionsol Training. Certificate of the medical yoga instructor from the Michigan State University (MSU)

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