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The P-Zone  forms a field of human knowledge. This knowledge underlies the creative, scientific, and other types of achievements of a person throughout life.



We have identified three kinds of human abilities:

  • Personal abilities

  • Special abilities

  • Abilities to succeed


Abilities such as the type of personality, talents, aptitudes, abilities, genetics, memetics, and the way of thinking - are all included in the area of human potential, or the P-Zone. Personal abilities establish the level of norms or average. The norm does not mean mediocrity. Norm forms the foundation for understanding and communication between people. The norm demonstrates the generally accepted and necessary level of personal development.


Social strata, money, and communication systems set the conditions for the development of this potential. Success arises as a result of the interaction between human potential (P-Zone) and the conditions of its development.


The transition of humankind to the informational-technological wave* has changed the norm. The flow states have become necessary instruments  for personal adaptation. Therefore, the ability to live in the flow states have become an important personal ability.



Special abilities are the exceptional and unique abilities or talents of man. W. A. Mozart, A. Einstein, G. Soros, S. Jobs, E. Presley, R. Branson, B. Franklin, J. Lennon, P. McCartney, S. Spielberg, N. Tesla - the list goes on and on of people who have been able to utilize their special abilities.


Special abilities  help people to create something outstanding that rises above the level of standards and elevates the level of the norm for everybody. Special abilities are not present in all people, but they may be found in many. Special abilities are based on the use of intuition and flow states by a person.


Note that personal and special abilities focus on a certain kind of activity associated with creative fields or business. They focus on the development of the inner self of a person. In order for our activities to be accepted by other people and become successful, we must develop the correct perception of relationships between “I” (self-actualization) and “We” (predestination). Understanding the “I-We” relationship is central for our ability to succeed.


The ability to succeed is our ability to realize the potential of the P-Zone. It is associated with the ability to build relationships with people, the ability to make correct choices, and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and the world. While special abilities are not always manifested in many people, the ability to succeed is given to every man from birth. Abilities to succeed are the paramount tools required to implement the potential of the P-Zone. They allow us to have all that we can get.


To summarize, the abilities to succeed, as well as other human abilities, are a consequence of living in the flow states. Therefore, the restoration of the flow states and their transformation into a sustainable skill is a key to success, recognition, joy, and prosperity.







*A.Toffler outlined principles for the consequent transition of the technological waves: the first wave - agrarian, the second - industrial, the third - informational. The passage of the technological waves are not uniform. There are countries that are still living in the agrarian civilization, whereas some countries are experiencing advanced stages of the informational wave.


Special features of the information waves include the acceleration of changes. This causes the maladjustment of a person or, according to A. Toffler, the shock of the future (Future Shock). The flow states resolve this problem, because they create the optimal environment for the development of the person. The flow requires some effort and willpower, which, luckily, are within healthy and achievable limits.

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